Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ad Bhoot Day 2: Ad for a deo

I have often wondered if a deo is to be used only to 'attract' women.

Anyway this ad comes from personal experience of having travelled in Mumbai locals.
Scene - Camera shows a Mumbai local coming towards the camera. Obviously there are hundreds of people hanging outside. The camera moves and closes in inside one of the compartments. One person is standing inside holding the rail at the cieling. Camera possible also zooms a little bit towards his armpits. Camera zooms out showing the others behind him making an effort to stay as far away from him as possible and some holding their nose.

The tag line/background voice says "Sometimes in life one has to take steps to ensure public safety. Be aware. Use XYZ deo"

PS: I am sure this ad might have been made before. Apologies if it has been.

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